Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Starting over

As some of you may know I started a blog a couple years ago (which frankly, I got too lazy to continue) on a site called "The Well" started by a friend of mine.  If I remember correctly the reason behind the name was that a village well throughout the centuries was a gathering place.  A place where gossip, opinions, and ideas were shared.  It's a nice idea, and I hope people will share thoughts and ideas with me.  As for the other half of the title.....

I grew up in the sixties and seventies, at that time there was a t.v. show called "Laugh In" that did sketch comedy.  I seem to remember a scene where a man climbs to the top of a tall mountain in order to consult with the guru at the top.  The man approaches the guru and says. "Master, I have braved many dangers.  I have traveled thousands of miles.  I have consulted with wise men all over the world and they all say that you are the wisest.  I have one question.  In all your years spent on this mountain top, contemplating the mysteries of the universe, what have you learned?"  "Ah my son." the guru replies. "I can tell you the one thing I have learned with absolut certainty." The guru paused then said. "Mountain tops are TOO *BLEEP* COLD!" (You couldn't use the word damn on t.v. in those days)

So you see, the reason behind "Mountain Top Well" is to mark a place where I can (and will) share my opinion, but to remind myself that if the air gets too rarefied, you can freeze your hooha off.  After all, it's all about the hooha!

That said, this blog is a personal challenge to myself. My good friend Katherine Carol Ackerman started her own blog last Monday.  Kathy and I met in third grade.  I had just moved to town and since my fifth birthday fell on the last day you could be enrolled in the fall, I had always been the youngest kid in first and second grade.  Until I met Kathy.  Her birthday was even later in the year than mine, and as a result had attended kindergarten and first grade the year after I did.  And then,   the event that would change all of our lives........She SKIPPED SECOND GRADE!!  Yes she was indeed a prodigy.

Now we attended a very small school, with somewhere between eight and twenty kids in each grade.  Our student/teacher ratio was about four to one.  Serious as a heart attack folks there just weren't that many of us.  On the plus side there weren't enough kids to form too many clicks.  one of the few clicks that did form was just Kathy and I.  You see when they tested us for reading skill in either the third or fourth grade, most of the kids were just where they should be, reading at an appropriate level.  Not us.  Kathy may remember this clearer than I do, but I believe we tested as reading somewhere around the high school level.  While everyone else was going through the "Uncle Wiggly" reading workbooks we had free range of the reading teacher's library.  From that day on we were the school geeks.

So this is my challenge to myself and to Kathy.  Let's keep these blogs going.  It doesn't take much time and working together I think we can.  (no little engine puns please).  That's enough for now. Take care and have a good night.


1 comment:

  1. Larry is absolutely correct. He and I did score somewhere around high school reading level in fourth grade... drove our teachers nuts trying to keep us entertained. Many of our friends were highly skeptical as well.

    And, yes, I did skip second grade, or was it first grade? What Larry neglected to mention is that our school was so small that they clustered grades together. 1st and 2nd shared a classroom, then 3rd and 4th shared a classroom, 5th and 6th shared a classroom, and then the junior high and high school were housed together. So I'm never quite sure if I skipped first or second grade.

    But he and I will keep each other honest and posting on our blogs. Before I go away, I gotta say, it's been wonderful reconnecting with my old geekish friend, and it's even better learning how wonderful he really turned out to be.

    Btw, if you're interested, it's
