Once again, due to a high profile tragedy and a television personality using his talk show as a bully-pulpit, everyone is getting up in arms (pun intended) about the second amendment and proposed gun control. I find myself in a peculiar place.
You see, due to my upbringing, training and the way I was taught at home and in school, I try to see both sides of every issue. This often makes me a bit uncomfortable. Whether it is because my instincts say one thing and my mind another. OR I flat can't see the logic behind one side. (sometimes both) In those cases I usually try to go with my mind, using critical thinking and not letting my emotions rule the day. It seems to me that the general population of this country is very emotionally biased in it thinking. We tend to react at a gut level in response to anger, fear, or what we think is injustice. Worst of all we think emotionally when someone with something to gain pulls our emotional triggers.
What it is about this tool that people get so wound up about? I'm not sure; but let's do a little exploring. The reason I find this issue troubling is that, frankly, I'm a bit of a gun nut. I like guns. the skill it takes to use them, the knowledge to build them, the power....they...give.....hmmmm. Okay we'll table that one for a moment.
So I like guns. Funny thing is I don't have one in the house. Why? Because I have no use for one, I'm out of the army, I don't hunt anymore, and my job doesn't require it. Other than those reasons why would I have one? Home protection you say? Eh, not really. Statics have shown for years that most weapons bought for self protection were used on members of the household or other innocents. Yes the vast majority were accidents. But that doesn't change the facts that guns for home protection aren't very effective Let's look at it; there are two basic ways to store a firearm. Loaded and unloaded. simple so far. If you want to use it for defense it must be loaded. However that can lead to accidents, if the kids or grand kids start playing with it, if half asleep the "burglar" you shoot happens to be your teenager sneaking in or out of the house. or the most tragic the aforementioned teenager uses gun on self. It happens all the time people. often enough that it isn't news worthy on a national level anymore.
So keeping a loaded firearm in easy access isn't the best idea. What about gun safes and trigger locks? In my opinion trigger locks and safes are a great idea! for all guns not just loaded ones. The big benefit to locks and safes are that they work. IF you restrict access to the keys it eliminates the kids playing cops and robbers and killing their friends. Having the extra time getting the gun also tends to cut down the use of a firearm in a domestic violence situation. However it also means a delay when a potential burglar is in the house, and while you're opening the safe, said burglar sneaks up behind you and now HE has your gun.
I have noticed that most people that keep a gun for self protection only, don't have much (or any) experience handling firearms and they are scared. This is not a good combination folks. So some gun restrictions might be a good idea IN DISTINCT CASES!! For example you should have to have a license in New York City or Washington D.C. in order to have a firearm. However in Burns WY if you have a deer rifle, a couple of shotguns and a revolver loaded with bird-shot for snakes. as long as you handle and store them safely, who cares?
Okay that's one thing settled in my mind, A citizen should be able to own a firearm with a few common sense restrictions. (licensure in large urban areas, no felons etc.) no license for open carry but permit for concealed would be a good idea in most states.
Going back to the power issue. Guns do represent power only a fool would think otherwise. And with power comes responsibility. Remember there are irresponsible idiots on both sides of the issue. I wish there was a test that could weed out anyone who was unstable, foolish, or just plain stupid. I would also like this test applied to almost every aspect of life including but not limited to: Holding public office, teaching, access to public media and procreation. However I'm doomed to be disappointed We don't have such a test and never will. And that my friends is a good thing. Because it takes all kinds of people, just to make life worth living.
I have an acquaintance, (we don't have enough shared interests to be friends) who is opposite from me in a lot of beliefs and ideas. However we do get along. If he has a gun (and I'm certain he has several) I don't care. He is fairly level-headed and responsible. We will never agree on politics but if the manure hits the air impeller, I've no doubt he and I will be shoulder to shoulder protecting our families.
So in closing I just have a couple more things to say.
To the pro gun folks. A gun doesn't make you who you are. It's not a symbol, It's just a tool. Like a band-saw, use it wisely and everything's fine. Screw-up and it's going to be bad..
To the anti-gun folks. Yes guns kill people, so do knives, cars, drugs, and chop sticks. It's just a tool.
Take care of each other, & be well
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